t a h i r a m a n d a r i n o
artist - curator

Through the use of site, text, audio, drawing, performance and film, I find different ways of interpreting absence, a hidden language of uncovering what we can not see and finding different ways of illustrating the ‘reveal’. I use found or collected objects and through various media I may use or alter an object, remaking and distorting, creating props. The way people form relationships with what we understand to be an inanimate object or space is interesting to me. This process of collecting, remaking and re- inventing allows the unconscious to unfold. Playing with historical narratives around a collected object or site allows this to become a fictional or sometimes personal account.
Audience reactions to my instinctively chosen and sited objects in relation to particular spaces, inform what I may use in further projects. Viewers are key to the development of my work as it is their subjective opinion of this that encourages an uncovering of images and memories that becomes imbued within the work. Using familiar props to stage the everyday is my way of creating individual sets that tell a story.

Many things influence me.
The everday. Objects.
As I walk,
As I talk,
As I sing,
When it rains .
When it doesn’t.
When I’m busy, when I sleep.
To alter , to detect, to master with affect.
Ways of arranging, setting up compositions.
Boundries, how loud or how quiet?
A diagram, a map, circuit or guide?
Investigate a logic
Language, state of mind.
freedom to explore
Collaborate, integrate, accumulate ideas, share a conversation.
Language, text on a page, shapes, circuits. An anchor to hold.
Colours to describe ,filmic painting
Delicious views.
Rhythm , sounds , music recipes.